
来源:Dave McLaughlin

宾州大学公园. — Five Penn State Commonwealth Campus leaders will be retiring from the University in the coming weeks and months, Penn State Vice President for Commonwealth Campuses and Executive Chancellor Margo DelliCarpini has announced.

在6月11日发给联邦校园社区的一封电子邮件中, DelliCarpini说,欧博体育官网蒙奥图分校的弗朗西斯·科菲·阿昌蓬, 谢南戈的乔·安妮·卡里克, 约克的大卫·克里斯蒂安森报道, 斯克兰顿的马尔万·瓦法将于6月底退休, 新肯辛顿的凯文·斯奈德将于12月底退休.

“他们都成功而有影响力地领导了各自的校园, 注重以学生为中心, 学术项目发展, 社区参与, 外展, 财务管理和慈善事业,DelliCarpini写道. “他们留下了合作的遗产, innovation and excellent leadership that will serve as a strong foundation for their successors.”


Achampong自2002年以来一直在欧博体育官网担任各种职务, 2013年回到欧博体育官网蒙奥图分校担任校长. Notable accomplishments include launching a mentoring program for tenure-track faculty; supporting all tenure-line faculty through the tenure and promotion process; enriching the diversity on campus; collaborating with the campus faculty senate to develop guidelines for hiring and reviewing part-time faculty that served as an institutional model; creating various programs in support of academic success, inclusion and enrollment management; partnering with the director of campus development to help raise more than $4 million for its For the Future Campaign, reaching 118% over the campaign goal; providing leadership to designate allied health (the health sciences) as 宾州州立大学蒙阿尔托分校’s niche, offering two-year Occupational Therapy Assistant and Physical Therapist Assistant programs, 护理学学士学位, 并计划增加一个生物行为健康学士学位. 他带头建造了一座耗资1300万美元的最先进的联合医疗大楼, 于2022年开业, increasing the campus’ health care degree portfolio to now include a bachelor of science in health policy and administration and a bachelor of science in occupational science, 职业治疗理学硕士学位将于2026年秋季开课. 阿昌蓬曾担任并领导过许多大学范围内的委员会, 除了各种委员会和社区内的志愿者工作.


卡里克于2014年被任命为欧博体育官网谢南戈分校的校园主任, 之后担任护理项目协调员和注册护士, B.S.N. (注册护士, 在比弗和贝伦德校区担任教师. 在她担任校园主任期间, Carrick oversaw the launch of an athletics program at Shenango that has since grown to include six sports and has directly resulted in a shift in the campus’ demographic from 70% adult learners to a current rate of 75% traditional-age students. 在卡里克的领导下, the University partnered with the city of Sharon and the Community Foundation of Western 宾西法尼亚 and Eastern Ohio to invest $4 million to create the Shenango LaunchBox, 由大沙龙社区提供支持, as well as the Sharon Community Development Fund to support local businesses and entrepreneurs. 另外, the campus underwent an $8 million renovation of its Forker Laboratory building under Carrick’s tenure, 那里也是新成立的欧博官网app下载技术网络安全中心的所在地. Carrick also has been engaged with the local community, serving on various boards and chambers. She created the Kara and Justin Henderson Memorial Scholarship in 2021 in memory of her niece and nephew, which is awarded to Shenango students majoring in human development and family studies or nursing.


克里斯蒂安森于2018年开始担任欧博体育官网约克分校的校长. He joined the Penn State community in 2004 as a professor of classics and senior associate dean for academic affairs at Penn State Behrend. In 2013, he was appointed as associate vice president and senior associate dean for the Penn State Commonwealth Campuses. 在他在宾州州立大学的职业生涯中, Christiansen has overseen the creation of more than 90 academic programs across the University. 他是欧博体育官网强化教育途径委员会的联合主席, which created several programs to increase the graduation rates of first-generation and low-income students, 包括通往成功之路:夏季开始(PaSSS)计划和完成欧博体育官网. 此外,他还积极参与当地商界, 他与大学发展部合作创建了门户开放项目, which raised more than $650 million in endowed scholarships and gifts to support undergraduate students.


自2008年以来,斯奈德一直担任欧博体育官网新肯辛顿分校的校长. 在他的领导下, 新肯辛顿校区一直是K-12教育重大举措的推动者, 经济发展与创业, 同时为学生创造学习机会, such as the founding of the Westmoreland Economic Development Corporation for Growth (WEDIG), 由五个地方自治市组成的联合体, 和ABC CREATE, a collaborative of 14 school districts aimed at student preparation in STEAM education curriculum and project design. Snider has been instrumental in developing community revitalization programs in the new digital economy, 比如Nextovation, 与30多家企业合作, 政府, 教育, 基金会和社区合作伙伴. 在斯奈德的领导下, Penn State New Kensington was able to complete one of the University's first Invent Penn State innovation hubs with The Corner LaunchBox in 2017. 斯奈德还监督了位于新肯辛顿的数字铸造厂的创建, a 15,044平方英尺的制造和技术中心, 于2022年开业, 以支持宾夕法尼亚州西南部的制造业, 劳动力, 教育和社区力量在未来准备的技能和行业. These projects have brought the community and University millions of dollars in funding through federal, 州和地方拨款, 以及扩大行业合作伙伴关系, 为欧博体育官网新肯辛顿分校的学生提供独特的机会, 以及对大学赠地使命的持续承诺. Snider will remain in his position to continue to lead the campus and the transition for The Digital Foundry at New Kensington through his Dec. 31日退休.


瓦法自2015年以来一直担任欧博体育官网斯克兰顿分校的校长. 在瓦法的领导下, 校园的学术课程扩大到14个学士学位, 在生物学中添加程序, 公司通讯和机械工程. 对于机械工程, he oversaw the acquisition of the former Grainger industrial supply site and its conversion to the campus' new Engineering Building, 现在这里也是商业发展和社区拓展中心的所在地, 还有警察部门. 他在校园内实施了多个基建改善项目, including significant renovations to the Dawson Building that created modern office areas for administrative functions, IT实验室, 艺术工作室, HDFS新的音乐空间和学术项目空间, 心理学和生物学/科学. 其他设施的改进创造了高影响力的学生学习空间, 学习和课外活动. Wafa championed the recently completed multimillion-dollar Library and Nursing Suite renovation, which expanded nursing labs and facilities and added collaborative spaces for the library. 瓦法曾在当地董事会任职, positioning the campus as a leader in the community and economic development through various collaborations. 

在此之前, 费耶特大学校长查尔斯·帕特里克也宣布退休 从6月28日起,从欧博体育官网 斯库尔基尔大学校长帕特里克·琼斯宣布他将离开学校 自6月30日起担任巴克斯县社区学院院长.

“While the accomplishments of these leaders are difficult to summarize in just a few brief narratives, 它们的影响将在未来数年都能感受到, 我非常感谢他们的服务和他们对学生的承诺, 学术上的卓越, 以及他们所服务的社区,DelliCarpini写道. “They have truly been wonderful partners as we navigate the current budgetary challenges and begin to develop a future vision for the Commonwealth Campuses.”

大学于6月11日公布, Penn State will be streamlining its leadership structure at the Commonwealth Campuses following these retirements, 从7月1日开始,一些校园将成为新的区域领导模式的一部分. 有关新校园领导结构的更多细节请参阅此处.